Where Are The Ads For Grain? – Podcast #116

Published March 6, 2024

Feeding grain and processed feeds and supplements are killing our horses, yet these companies continue advertising to horse owners in all the horse magazines. However, with the Spring 2024 issue of The Horse, I discovered there were no ads for these foods, except for three supplements. Why? Because this issue focuses on equine metabolic syndrome (EMS). How can they do this and simultaneously promote the cause of EMS?

They can’t!

Kudos to this magazine for taking a stand. It is the start of Helping Horses Thrive In A Human World™, and I am grateful. I discuss the article and add other ideas that will interest all owners, including metabolic flexibility, a description of the batteries within all cells, and a brief discussion using physics to explain why athletic horses do not need an extra 200 pounds (about 100kg).

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