Life Is Sooooooo Good

The definition of a perfect day is today. The autumn air crisped the details of life into focus and accented everything into a clarity only a Sunday morning sunrise can do. I traveled freely eastward on the normally congested beltway around the south side of Washington DC, the brilliant rising sun fully in my face blinding me. The few surrounding cars were inconsequential. A formation of 4 military helicopters traveled across the sky then slowly turned completely around and headed back to where they came.

With nothing to do but listen to my “mellow unplayed” playlist in my earbuds and keep the car facing in one direction, I reflected over the last few days.
A horse owner had hired another veterinary equine dentists to determine if we had been floating the back teeth of her horse. After heavy sedation, mouth jack, and head immobilization, this dentist gave our work a rave review. The owner said to me she would never put her horse through that ordeal again. The horse stood beautifully and motionless for me, agreeing with her, as I effortlessly floated the fully awake horse.
Several owners this week listened to me describe the problems of feeding grain to horses and agreed to take the two week challenge of removing all grain in their horse’s diet. All also agreed to keep a diary to add to my web page
A mother and daughter watched in amazement as I worked on their horses, one which had never been floated in his life, without using drugs. After accurately describing the melancholy personality of one of the horses to a “T,” the daughter turns to me and says, “You are so cool!”

The sun is warm, the air is crisp, the traffic is light, and the day is shaping up to being great. And to make it better, I am picking up Melissa at the airport later to help with the 80 horses we have scheduled this week.
Life is sooooooo good.